Malappuram is a hilly terraced tract. The innumerable streams that meander these hills reach the coconut fringed and picturesque sea coast. In many places, these streams are linked with backwaters which facilitate a network of inland waterways. The midland region is fertile with thick coconut groves while the hilly tract has dense forests and extensive teak plantations apart being the source of innumerable streams and rivers.
The location of Malappuram district is 75 to 77 east longitude and 100-to 120-north latitude, in the geographical map. Like most of the other districts of the state, Malappuram too consists of three natural divisions, lowland, midland and highland. The low land stretches along the seacoast, the midland in the center and the highland region towards the east and north eastern parts. The topography of the district is highly undulating; starting from the hilltops covered with thick forests on the east along the Nilgiris. It gradually slopes down to the valleys and the small hills, before finally ending on the sandy flat of luxuriant coconut groves in the west.
The district has more or less the same climatic conditions prevalent else-where the state, viz, dry season from December to February, hot season from March to May, the South West Monsoon from October to November. The South West Monsoon is usually very heavy and nearly 75 per cent of the annual rains are received during this season. The climate is generally hot and humid; the range of temperature varying between 300C and 200C. The Average annual rainfall is 290mm.